Once upon a spree to Rome we came across a Gelateria- Ice cream place, which offered an assortment of the finest ice cream ever tasted; what a cool, creamy, and refreshing treat. “Is all of this ice cream,” we asked?
“This is the world’s finest ice cream, it is called gelato,” replied the employee with a smile on her face. Little did we know that the word “gelato” would turn out to be such a huge part of our lives? Once we left the ice cream place, we could not wait to come across it again, let alone did we stop thinking of replicating such back home in Nigeria.
We began to make inquiries from companies that offered ingredients to make gelato. Due to pure interest, we scheduled to explore some facilities to see what they had to offer, and enroll in their Gelato Training.
Finally, our irresistible desire for the gelato was satisfied. After days of making and creating authentic Italian gelato, we realized that this was a secret that we needed to share.
After months of planning, importing equipment and products from Italy we were proud to introduce the finest authentic Italian gelato to the Abuja community in December 2003.
Our Vision
Hatlab seeks to become the preferred one stop-shop for traditional Italian ice cream and complimentary products in Nigeria.
Our Mission
To create an enduring brand of ice cream and other complimentary products that will satisfy the need for quality and international standards, there-by giving our customers an ultimate experience.
Designed by: http://www.rabiadesigns.co.uk/
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